Paw in Hand Café

About Us

The Paw in Hand Café provides a unique, memorable experience to all of our patrons.

Pay at an hourly rate and enjoy a wide selection of coffee and cakes while spending time with one of our 15 friendly, loveable cats.

From Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Three of our biggest, fluffiest cats are pictured below.

Mimi & Angel

Two, fluffy Siberian cats are standing together in the snow.

Mimi and Angel are Siberian Cats. They were rescued as kittens, and both are from the same litter. Both are affectionate and have a fascination with water. These two beautiful cats like lots and lots of attention.


A female Norwegian Forest Cat stands in the grass.

Spike is a Norwegian Forest Cat. She is kind, loving, and gentle, and has a strong nurturing instinct. She loves to have her gorgeous fur combed.

Blueberry Pie

A woman holds a large Main Coon above her head.

Blueberry Pie is a Maine Coon. He is friendly and playful, and loves to be petted. His favorite toy is a dragonfly plushie.